registracija - registration

Registracija na konferenciji jest bezplatna. Učestniki platjut toliko za oběd, osvěženje, i konferenčni materialy. (300 Kč za vse dny, ili 200,- Kč za toliko jedin den) Vsekakomu učestniku jest trěba registracije na systemě EasyChair, kdě kako svoju registraciju v kratkosti (min. 100 i max. 500 znakov) popišete svoje znanje i interes do medžuslověnskoj besedy v zonalnom jezyku. Razuměje se, imajete li interes prezentirati svoju rabotu, napišite članok ili prezentaciju i pošlite to kako fajl PDF do EasyChair. Registraciju jest trěba sovršiti do 29-ogo Maja 2017.

Prosimo platiti do konta IBAN: CZ1620100000002500784349, BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX (naš lokalny češsky kod jest: 2500784349/2010) s textom: CISLA - vaše ime.
Adresa banky jest: Fio banka, a.s., ulica: V Celnici 1028/10, grad: 117 21 Praha 1.

Adresa registracije jest:

Admission to the conference is free. Participants pay only for meal and conference materials. (300 CZK in total, or 200 CZK for only one day) For all participants, the registration process is obligatory in the system EasyChair, where You will briefly describe (min. 100 chars and max. 500 chars) Your knowledge and interest in the interslavic communication using a zonal language. Of course, if you're interested, write an article or a presentation and send it as a PDF file to EasyChair. Registration must be completed before May 29, 2017.

The registration address is:

Please, complete You payment at the account IBAN: CZ1620100000002500784349, BIC/SWIFT: FIOBCZPPXXX (the local Czech code is: 2500784349/2010) with the text: CISLA - your name.
The bank address is: Fio banka, a.s., street: V Celnici 1028/10, city: 117 21 Praha 1.

kako se registrovati na CISLa 2017 - how to register for CISLa 2017

Vsekakomu učestniku jest trěba byti registrovany kako autor, obače ne bude imati nikaku prezentaciju.

  1. Poslě priglašenja do systemy na adresě registracije kliknite na New Submission (na vrhu stranice levo).
  2. Napišite sekcije title, abstract, keywords i topics po priměru na oblikah 1,2,3.
  3. Razuměje se, imajete li interes prezentirati svoju rabotu, napišite članok ili prezentaciju i pošlite to kako fajl (pogledaj oblik 4).
  4. Kliknite na Submit. Pamětajte, že Vašu registraciju možete editovati pozdněje kogda hočete.

oblik 1
figure 1

oblik 2
figure 2

oblik 3
figure 3

Each participant must be registered as an author, even if they do not have any presentation.

  1. After logging into the system at the registration address press New Submission (top left).
  2. Fill sections title, abstract, keywords and topics by example at figures 1,2,3.
  3. Of course, if you're interested, write an article or a presentation and send it as a file (see figure 4).
  4. Click on Submit. Remember that You can edit Your submission any time later.

oblik 4
figure 4

kako se priglasiti do EasyChair - how to sign up into EasyChair

Kto ne imaje svoje konto v systemě EasyChair, jest jemu trěba sotvoriti novo konto:

  1. Na stranice EasyChair kliknite do Signup (na vrhu stranice pravo/desno).
  2. Zapišite svoje informacije do tablice (pogledaj oblik 5).
  3. Ot systemy EasyChair dostanete e-pismo, kdě jest adresa na zavšenje registracije, na ktoru kliknite.
  4. Zapišite svoje informacije do tablice (pogledaj oblik 6). Ako li ne imějete svoju organizaciju, potom pišite "interslavic".

oblik 5 - registracija konta koristnika, 2. krok
figure 5 - user account registration, 2nd step

If You have no EasyChair account, You need to create it:

  1. On the EasyChair page, click on Signup (na vrhu stranice pravo/desno).
  2. Write Your info into a table (see figure 5).
  3. You will obtain an e-mail from EasyChair. Inside is a link for completing Your registration. Click on it.
  4. Write Your info into a table (see figure 6). If You do not have any organization, then write "interslavic".

oblik 6 - registracija konta koristnika, 4. krok
figure 6 - user account registration, 4th step