Uherský Brod (češsky se čitaje: [ˈuɦɛrskiː ˈbrot], kyrillicoju Ухерскы Брод) jest maly južnomoravsky grad v Češskoj republikě, položeny u blizu granice s Slovakijeju. Uherský Brod imaje 16.500 gradžanov.
Uherský Brod (Czech pronunciation: [ˈuɦɛrskiː ˈbrot]) is a small town in the South-Moravia land of the Czech Republic, located near to the Slovakian border. It has 16.500 citizens in total.
Adresa konferencije jest: Dom kultury Uherský Brod (češsky: Dům kultury), Mariánské nám. 2187 (Marijansky trg/rynek). Plačeno parkovanje automobila jest možno južno i sěvěrno pri Domu kultury.
GPS pozicija jest
49.0261831N, 17.6470189E.
Najlučši publičny transport jest vlakom iz Pragy (CZ), Brna (CZ), Bratislavy (SK), Wieny (A), Olomouca (CZ), ili Ostravy (CZ) na vlakovu stanicu "Uherský Brod". Do grada takože idut mnoge ekspresne autobusy.
Nočlegy v gradu Uherský Brod ili jego okolině objavite tu: Bookings v gradu Uherský Brod, ili tu: AirBnB v gradu Uherský Brod.
Zlín - Uherský Brod | 30 km | Brno - Uherský Brod | 90 km | Bratislava - Uherský Brod | 135 km | Wien - Uherský Brod | 170 km |
Olomouc - Uherský Brod | 100 km | Ostrava - Uherský Brod | 160 km | Praha - Uherský Brod | 290 km | Budapest - Uherský Brod | 335 km |
Conference address is: House of Culture in Uherský Brod, Mariánské náměstí 2187 (Maria square), Uherský Brod. Car parking is available just at the south and north side of the House of Culture. GPS position is 49.0261831N, 17.6470189E. The best public transport is by train from Prague (CZ), Brno (CZ), Wien (A), Bratislava (SK), Olomouc (CZ), or Ostrava (CZ) to the train-station named "Uherský Brod". Many coaches also run to Uherský Brod.
You will find possibilities for accommodation in Uherský Brod or in its vicinity here: Bookings in Uherský Brod, ili tu: AirBnB in Uherský Brod.
Oblast Južnoj Moravy leži na zapadnom koncu Karpatskyh gor, ktore zakončajut se do plodnoj niziny s mnogymi vinogradami, poljami, i ovočnymi sadami. Jest to oblast s bogatoju narodnoju kulturoju i historijeju. Lokalita Velehrad (byvši Veligrad) i Valy bliz grada Hodonín, ktore sut dnes kulturnymi i religijnoputovnymi centrami, byli v 9-om stolětji stoličnymi gradami Velikomoravskoj državy, kamo došli sveti brati Kyrill i Methodij - apostoli i učitelji Slovjanov.
South-Moravian area lies on the western end of the Carpathian Mountains, which ends in a fertile plain with many vineyards, fields and orchards. It is a rich area in culture and national history. Location Velehrad (by the old name Veligrad) and Valy near to Hodonín, which are now the cultural and pilgrimage sites, were in the 9th century centers of the Great Moravia empire, where resided the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius - apostles and teachers of the Slavs.
Naslědna historija jest takože interesna. Nedaleky grad Zlín jest světovo znajemy svojeju obuvničskoju promyslenostju, ktoru na počatku 20-ogo stolětja osnoval vizionar Tomáš Baťa. Turistično interesny techničsky pamětnik jest kanal Tomáša Bati, slěd ktorogo sut takože cykloputi.
Next history is also interesting. The nearby town Zlin is pupular in the whole world by its famous footwear industry, which in the early 20th century, has been founded by the visionary Tomas Bata. Tourist attractions are also the water transport channel of Tomas Bata, next to which are also bike trails.